The $38 billion NSW State Super has appointed a new investment analyst to its internal team.

Victoria Rati, who is finishing her tenure as an analyst with the Sydney arm of US business The Investment Consulting Group, will join the fund’s investment team in December, bringing its headcount to five, Chris Durack, chief executive officer of NSW State Super, said.

Durack described Rati’s abilities in both investment strategy and research as being “solid”.

“She has worked across the asset classes – not just equities or fixed income.”

Reporting to chief investment officer Martin Drew, Rati’s brief will involve research across different markets and managing the fund’s mandates with external managers.

In her almost three-year term with The Investment Consulting Group, Rati advised large and boutique asset managers, both Australian and multinational, in addition to financial education and IT services companies.

Before this, she held product management and analysis responsibilities with Lazard from 1999 to 2007, and was an investment analyst with Russell from 1996 to 1999.

This year, Rati finished an eight-year term as president and chief executive of the Chartered Financial Analyst Society of Sydney.

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