Treasury has released a consultation paper outlining two complementary proposals that would provide for the release of a child sex abuser’s superannuation for the purpose of satisfying unpaid compensation claims.

In a media release on Wednesday morning, the office of financial services minister Stephen Jones said these proposals will close a loophole that is causing further harm to victims by denying them court‑awarded compensation.

Under the proposals, certain super contributions made by an offender in the leadup to criminal proceedings would be made available to the victim for the purposes of paying compensation.

Courts would also be entitled to access ATO data about offenders’ superannuation accounts, giving transparency to victims of their assets.

The consultation has commenced with a view to introduce legislation into parliament as soon as possible. Consultation closes on 16 February 2023.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, contact:

National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT

Kids Helpline at 1800 55 1800 or

Beyond Blue at 1300 22 4636 or

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