Australia’s $212 billion sovereign wealth fund, the Future Fund, has restructured its investment team which will be overseen by a six-person investment leadership group including five new managing directors reporting to chief investment officer Ben Samild.  

The new structure will fall under five pillars: portfolio design; real assets; investment capability and intelligence; portfolio risk and; responsible investment and listed equities. 

The new roles will be filled by existing Future Fund executives and each managing director consider the design of their teams and finalise the reporting lines in the upcoming weeks.  

Deputy CIO Hugh Murray remains Samild’s deputy, leading the portfolio design pillar that includes the alternatives, dynamic asset allocation, overlays and treasury, economics and capital markets and portfolio integration teams. 

David Bluff and Tammi Fisher will be joint managing directors – real assets with Bluff overseeing the private equity and credit teams. Fisher will guide the infrastructure and property teams. 

Sam Killmier will be managing director – investment capability and intelligence, which includes investment team capability, technology and data and research and insights. 

Genevieve Murray will be managing director – responsible investment and listed equities. Murray also leads the Sydney office.  

Carol Lee will continue to lead the portfolio risk function. 

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