The Australian arm of the Investment Management Consultants Association (IMCA) has restocked its board with five new members.

Joining the IMCA Australia board are some well-known names from the consulting and funds management industries, including:

– Brett Elvish, founder and director of consultancy Financial Viewpoint and former head of Intech

– Gareth Abley, head of asset consulting at MLC

– Jeff Rogers, chief investment officer at ipac

– Janice Sengupta, principal at AON Consulting, and

– Greg Liddell, director of consulting and advisory services at Russell Investments

The appointments helped IMCA achieve “good coverage across both traditional and implemented consulting,” John Pinkerton, executive officer of the association, said.

IMCA board members chair each of the association’s sub committees – ranging from finance, education and events – and deliver the Certified Investment Management Analyst program and arrange content for the annual IMCA conference.

Pinkerton said the appointments of Rogers and Abley flagged IMCA’s intention to focus more on the retail industry, because “the further growth in our organisation will come from implemented consulting on the retail side”.

“Having ipac and MLC gives us balance against the preponderance of institutional people.”

Each IMCA board member holds their position for a two-year tenure. The recent appointments, made to refresh the IMCA board, featured some “obvious targets”, such as Abley, who was nominated by his boss and outgoing IMCA board member Paul Ireland, Pinkerton said.

The board will convene its first meeting for 2010 in February. Its five new members join:

– Lorraine Berends, principal at Marvin & Palmer (chair)

– Angela Ashton, independent researcher

– Andrew Lill, head of investment specialists at AMP Capital Investors

– Anthony Lane, operations manager, Asia Pacific, Mercer Investment Consulting

– Graeme Miller, head of investment consulting at Towers Watson

– Ian Patrick, chief executive officer at JANA

– Paul Bolinowsky, head of Australia and director at UBS Global Asset Management

– Rob Hogg, investment consultant at Frontier Investment Consulting, and
– Stephen Roberts, financial services director

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