Episode 19 - Dr Michelle Lim, Simonie Fox and Julia Newbould
EP19: Addressing loneliness can reduce risk of stroke and heart disease
36 mins.
Listen NowAIA partners with Ending Loneliness Together to combat chronic loneliness, helping improve the mental health and physical health of members and staff by reducing the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and premature death.
Episode 18: Jeremy Cooper, Kate McCallum and Julia Newbould
EP18: Some bold reforms are needed to bring retirement advice to masses
42 mins.
Listen NowJeremy Cooper, former chairman, Retirement Income at Challenger, and Kate McCallum, director and wealth adviser, Multiforte Financial Services, bring to life the realities of retirement advice – where it is now, how it can be better and what to retiring Australians really need to know. Both Cooper and McCallum praise Michelle Levy’s Quality of Advice Review for its call for bold reforms in the sector that they believe will remove barriers for more Australians to access good advice.
Episode 17: : David Knox, Deborah Ralston and Julia Newbould
EP17: Equity in Super – age, income, gender and more
35 mins.
Listen NowDavid Knox, senior partner and actuary, Mercer Australia and Deborah Ralston, professorial fellow, Monash University and guardian board member, Future Fund, talk to Julia Newbould, managing editor, Conexus Financial on the need to broaden the super system to increase equity for both PAYG and the self-employed, low income earners, high income earners and home owners , non-home owners, men, women and those who retire voluntarily and unexpectedly.
Episode 16: Skye King, Fi Mann and Fiona Reynolds
EP16: Alignment with managers the key to ESG integration
45 mins.
Listen NowSkye King, head of ESG and Responsible Investment at NGS Super, and Fiona Mann, head of listed equities & ESG and LGIA Super and Energy Super – now Brighter Super, talk to Fiona Reynolds, chief executive, Conexus Financial about ESG and what it means to investors today. With ESG now in the mainstream, leading superfunds are turning to their relationships with managers to ensure responsible investment considerations are integrated at all levels of decision making. Making sure managers are best in class in seeking out responsible investment considerations is essential to integrating ESG into portfolios.
Episode 15 - : Ian Fryer, Kim Bowater and Julia Newbould
EP15: APRA’s MySuper performance test a surface-level success
45 mins.
Listen NowKim Bowater, director of consulting at Frontier Advisors, and Ian Fryer, general manager at Chant West, talk to Julia Newbould, managing editor, Conexus Financial about the performance test outcomes. Second year results were recently released which provided few surprises - five products failed to meet the benchmark this year, including four that failed for the second time. A further five products that failed last time passed this year and while APRA has said this shows funds are doing better than last year, it’s not the full story. Treasury is now asking for submissions on the Your Future Your Super performance test. So now is a good time for our experts to look at its effectiveness and the way forward.
Episode 14 - : Emily Barnes, Andrew Inwood, Julia Newbould
EP14: Members ‘willing to pay for better service’ post retirement
52 mins.
Listen NowEmily Barnes, head of insights and design at Equipsuper, Andrew Inwood, global head and founder of research consultancy CoreData and Julia Newbould, managing editor, Conexus Financial discuss how superannuation funds are laser focused on the numbers around cost and performance for members, but aren’t always up to par on member experience, particularly post-retirement. When facing a difficult choice between keeping fees as low as possible or investing some revenue in better systems to help members engage, data shows members are willing to pay for a better experience.
Episode 13 - Jacki Ellis
EP13: Good advice, flexible individual solutions critical to the best retirement outcomes
45 mins.
Listen NowJacki Ellis, head of retirement segment, Aware Super, Dr David Bell, executive director of The Conexus Institute and Julia Newbould, managing editor, Conexus Financial talk all things retirement income policy. We start with a brief history of retirement income policy, take a look at present retirement income policy and finally explore the principles-based approach of the Retirement Income Covenant which gives funds the flexibility to focus on the best outcomes for individual members despite challenges remaining in measuring success and providing tailored advice.
Episode 12 - Stewart Hawkins
EP12: Super’s highly unlevel playing field, and what we need to do about it
45 mins.
Listen NowCate Wood, a former national chair of Women in Super and past president of the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees speaks in depth with Robbie Campo, a Cbus executive and passionate advocate for the economic security of women in retirement about equity in super, why women are still falling behind their male peers, the thorny issue of tax concessions and the problems which will be faced by an aging Australia.
Episode 11 - Stewart Hawkins
EP11: Be ‘more bold’ in giving financial advice and spend more on marketing
38 mins.
Listen NowGarry Weaven, former ACTU assistant secretary and renowned industry fund builder, calls on funds to build a public case for themselves in preparation for inevitable years of negative returns and for a review into the SMSF sector in a conversation with Stewart Hawkins, editor, Investment Magazine.
Episode 10 - Matthew Smith
EP10: Size, influence & concentration: Superannuation at a tipping point
38 mins.
Listen NowLuke Barrett, general counsel at Unisuper and David Gallagher, a visiting fellow at the RoZetta Institute, discuss size, influence & concentration of the superannuation industry in private and capital markets. Moderated by Matthew Smith, managing editor, Investment Magazine.
Episode 9 - Stewart Hawkins
EP9: Proper coverage: Stapling and its effect on insurance
32 mins.
Listen NowAIA general manager group distribution, Anthony Clough, and Mercer partner, Tim Jenkins, speak to Investment Magazine’s Stewart Hawkins about insurance in super – how the new stapling rules may affect outcomes for members and what the future holds for insurance products in the industry.
Episode 8 - Stewart Hawkins
EP8: Going global: Addressing governance issues as funds expand investments overseas
32 mins.
Listen NowACSI CEO Louise Davidson and Aware Super CIO Damian Graham speak to Investment Magazine’s Stewart Hawkins about two issues affecting Australia’s super landscape – Globalisation and Governance. Are super funds in Australia running out of local assets to invest in? If so, where are the opportunities? Are they mainly off shore? And what are the challenges involved in engaging with companies which are operating in different regulatory environments?