The three main fund ratings agencies have combined to produce a checklist for funds which also shows how each agency differs in the way it weights the various components of a fund’s overall performance.
The checklist (see below) was presented at Fund Executives Association Ltd (FEAL) briefings in Melbourne and Sydney last week. The agencies’ chief executives – Warren Chant of Chant West, Jeff Bresnahan of SuperRatings and Chris Page of Selecting Super (Rainmaker) – described their processes in Sydney on Friday.
The $34 billion Brighter Super is set to shift a significant proportion of equities assets in MySuper from passive to active management. Chief investment officer Mark Rider says the move is possible because of the scale created by mergers, and the fund will be looking to its newly appointed active managers to generate performance through the cycle by taking idiosyncratic risks.
Darcy SongJanuary 21, 2025