Charles Brooks, formerly an analyst with Northward Capital, has been hired by Industry Funds Management to open its Sydney office.

Brooks will be the sole employee at the 44 Market Street office scheduled to open on August 15. He will sell Melbourne-based IFM’s funds to investors and liaise with asset consultants in New South Wales and Queensland.

“A lot of funds managers have their brand ahead of their results. Our brand, today, is behind our results,,” says Brett Himbury, chief executive of IFM.

IFM manages $29 billion in infrastructure, private equity, debt and listed equities investments. More than 50 per cent of its assets are sourced from Melbourne-based investors. Eighteen of its 60 clients are offshore investors and managed from its New York and London offices.

At Northward, Brooks was a salesman to institutions. Simon Rutherford, Northward’s chief investment officer, says marketing staff at its backer nabInvest will cover Brooks’ workload while a replacement is sought.


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