Dispersion of opinion remains alive and well on the topic of how best to approach accumulation vs decumulation investing, but how different are these two regimes in reality? What does a decumulation investment process look like?  Furthermore, what does a decumulation process look like in a defined contribution regime, and in a guaranteed regime?  What are the perils, the assumptions, and the impossibilities, all of which need to be balanced? This is a practitioner’s discussion on the realities of running a portfolio with structural decumulation.

Speakers: Charles Wu, deputy chief investment officer and general manager DC investments, State Super, Chris Plater, chief executive and chief investment officer, Life, Challenger and Jacki Ellis, portfolio manager retirement strategies, First State Super
Moderator: David Bell, executive director, The Conexus Institute
Length: 33 mins

Take the QUIZ to earn your CPD points

Question 1
* Which of the following statements is not true of an account-based pension product?
Question 2
* Which of the following is not true about defined benefit pension schemes?
Question 3
* When ASIC surveyed in 2013, what percentage of DB funds were not in a strong financial position, ie they didn't have 100% on their vest benefits index?
Question 4
* Which of the following is true of a defined benefit pension scheme
Question 5
* When looking at the decumulation phase what are the most consideration when looking at the guaranteed income component of retirement savings

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