The Australian Custodial Services Association (ACSA), the peak body representing the custody industry in Australia, has announced the appointment of Robert Brown as its chief executive.

Brown’s appointment comes at a busy time for the organisation, as the industry grapples with a number of important changes, including the implementation of the Asia Region Funds Passport and the slated replacement of the Australian Securities Exchange’s (ASX) CHESS settlement system with a blockchain-based solution.

Brown has worked previously at senior levels of organisations such as HSBC Securities Services, National Australia Bank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and State Street Australia.

The 30-year veteran of the financial services industry, who commenced in his new role on Monday, October 16, said he looked forward to developing further dialogue with members and ensuring the organisation was “fully aligned to opportunities” change brings.

“ACSA’s history of collaboration, and our member’s willingness to share deep technical knowledge, provides a powerful platform for the ongoing development of our organisation,” he said.

ACSA chair David Knights welcomed his appointment.

“Robert brings a wealth of experience in the custody and financial services sectors, together with a past contribution to ACSA itself,” Knights said. “His knowledge and skills will serve ACSA well as our industry adapts to the strategic shifts underway in the financial services sector.”

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