The newly merged NGS Super fund has dropped Bernstein from its international equities lineup following a review of its portfolio last month.
The review also resulted in the termination of a $190 million mandate with National Capital Alliance and a $37 million investment in the Lazard Global Equities Fund as previously reported in the December issue of Investment & Technology magazine. Broad global shares mandates held by BGI and Morgan Stanley have been retained, as well as an emerging markets mandates held by Colonial and a smaller companies mandate held by Goldman Sachs JB Were. According to Colin McGuinness, NGS Super chief executive officer, transition of the sector began last month and was recently completed.
A managed investment scheme holding 20 per cent or more in unlisted assets is deemed an illiquid scheme and is restricted from providing frequent liquidity, but there is no formal limit on how much super funds can allocate to these asset classes. The Conexus Institute writes this is a special privilege given to APRA-regulated super funds that should not be taken for granted.
David Bell and Geoff WarrenFebruary 6, 2025