Fresh from its success with the Sydney lunch last month featuring Peter Garrett, Opposition environmental spokesperson, AIST will this month drill down through the arguments surrounding energy and resources at a Melbourne lunch.

Speakers at the lunch, at the Plaza Ballroom of the Regent Theatre in Collins Street, are: Ziggy Switowski, chair of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation; Peter Richardson, partner, Craton Capital; and Garry Weaven, chair of Industry Funds Management. Craton Capital is a boutique manager of resources funds, which started in Johannesburg in 2003 and opened in London last year. Its first product was a long-only precious metals fund. It this year launched a long/short global resources fund. AIST says the big debate about climate change always comes down to the generation of power. “Clean energy versus dirty energy, coal versus ‘clean’ coal, renewable versus non-renewable and whether nuclear power is really a green solution.” Information: Ayan Hussein at AIST on (03) 9657 4249.

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