Sue Jorgensen, a well known and high-profile executive at BNP Paribas, died on December 22, after being diagnosed with Leukaemia in September.

Sue’s career in the financial services industry spanned over 25 years. She began at Macquarie Bank in 1990, where she was hired initially in the Melbourne office for her in-depth knowledge of Hi Portfolio, and worked under Judy Shade in the Fund Accounting and Administration operation in what would become the Fund Services Group.

Sue played a key role in the establishment of Macquarie’s outsourced fund administration business and played a leading role in the conceptual design and build of Macquarie’s WRAP product. A study undertaken at the time by a leading consulting firm found that Macquarie’s back office for its fund administration business was the most efficient and cost effective in the industry.

She was then hired by BNP Paribas Security Services Australia’s chief executive and former Macquarie colleague, Gail Burke, as BNP’s Paribas director of operations.

Judy Shade described her as extraordinarily talented and passionate. “Sue had a lot of energy, and understood this business as well as anyone in Australia,” she said.

Gail Burke said that Sue possessed all the "old fashion" values: a great work ethic; loyalty; trust; and honesty. “We worked hard and we also had a lot of great fun together,” she said.

Sue’s funeral was held on December 30 in Ballarat and attended by many people from the industry. She is survived by her husband and two daughters.

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