The extent to which superannuation funds should make themselves responsible for financial literacy among members will be examined during an upcoming lunch organised by the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees (AIST).
“What super funds should do in terms of making sure that members are financially literate is a big question. Where does the responsibility end?” Maryanne Mannix-White, AIST general manger, said. Paul Clitheroe, chairman of the consumer and financial literacy taskforce, will present his views on increasing the financial knowledge of members grouped into the baby boomer, generation X and generation Y demographic classifications. So far, 150 people have registered to attend the lunch, which will be held on September 18 in Melbourne. Assisting members decide between conservative, balanced or aggressive super fund investment options was becoming increasingly important, Mannix-White said. Approximately 280 people attended the last AIST luncheon, which discussed the merits of various energy resources, and featured Ziggy Switkowski, chair of the Australian Nuclear and Science Organisation, Peter Richardson, a partner in Craton Capital and Garry Weaven, chair of Industry Funds Management.
Since taking over the top job at the $44 billion Funds SA more than a year ago, chief executive John Piteo has ushered in an investment function overhaul and wrapped up an important stage of the fund’s five-year data transformation program. It pledges to recentre around investment performance and more efficient processes, as the “missing piece” has been found in incoming CIO Con Michalakis.
Darcy SongJanuary 10, 2025